UPS Test Setup

Tekvision UPS are based on IGBT PWM technology (pure sine wave) with Galvanic Isolation between Mains and Load and offer high performance, high reliability and sophisticated control systems.

*.True ONLINE double conversion Power recreation.

*.Sine weighted high frequency PWM Inverter using IGBTS.

*.Galvanic Isolation between Mains and Load.

*.Dual Step, Low ripple, CV / CC charging for extra long life of Batteries.

*.Quiet Operation.

*.High Overload Capacity and Crest Factor tolerence.

Tekvision is equipped with state of the art test set up that includes:

Loaded with Buck-Boost TXR, 3-Ph Dimmer and Meters capable of testing of 1-PH and 3-PH UPS system. LOAD Bank: For 1-PH & 3-PH UPS Load Testing. In-house TXR Winding: Capable of winding OPTs / Chokes.

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Double-Conversion type of UPS: Superior Power Protection from power quality

*.problems such as Surge, Blackout, Brownout, Voltage Sags, Over Voltage, Frequency Noise, Frequency Variation, Harmonic Distortion.

*.Greater robustness with respect to back feed protection such as motors, industrial devices without disruption.

*.Galvanic isolation between Mains Power Supply and Load.

*.Sine weighted high frequency PWM Inverter using IGBTs.

*.True Sine Wave output.

*.Quiet Operation.

*.High Overload Capacity and High Crest Factor tolerance.

*.Flexibility in Number of Batteries Selection: 4/6/15/16/25/29/34 Batteries option.

*.Use of Indigenous Components.

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  • product
    In case of Power failure, there is Production loss as well as loss of raw material. If the raw material used in production line is expensive then UPS is must.
  • product
    There are Voltage fluctuations, High Voltage spikes, burnout, Frequency drift etc. in input Electricity Power supply, due to which CNC machine trips or electronic parts / Software storage inside CNC machine are damaged. UPS protects CNC machine from all such Electrical hazards and also increases life of CNC machine.

  • product
    UPS gives galvanic isolation between Power Supply Input and UPS Output. The operation of online UPS's mean that the normal mains is rectified into DC which charges a battery and also supplies an inverter which turns the DC back into AC. This process means that any fluctuations on the normal mains supply will not be seen on the output as the output is an electronically generated waveform.
  • product
    To minimize down time due to Power failure. UPS supplies Power during power failure. An online UPS's main purpose is to continue to supply power when the mains power has failed using a battery backup.


  • product
    Stabilizer is a device which control the voltage fluctuations whereas UPS is a device which protects CNC machine from fluctuations and also provide backup on the basis of battery rating.
  • product
    A voltage stabilizer is a device that stabilizes voltage. More often, it is called a line filter. It prevents transients (high voltage spikes etc.) from making it through to the delicate CNC machine connected to it. A UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply), on the other hand, provides power (for a short period of time - often 15 minutes) when the main power source goes down. This gives you a chance to do a proper shutdown, such as saving files and stopping the CNC machine the correct way.

  • product
    A voltage stabilizer is a device to keep the voltage to your CNC machine at a set level. So if the input voltage is fluctuating, the output will be regulated to within 1% or so. However if the input power should fail or go out of the tolerance of the stabilizer (<170V or >270V) then power to the CNC machine is lost. An UPS primary function is back up power, so this is the main difference. When the input power fails or goes out of tolerance the UPS will switch to battery power thereby maintaining power to the load.
  • product
    Voltage stabilizer has its own limitations. It does not provide isolation between input and output power. It will not protect CNC machine from Voltage spikes, frequency drift etc.  If you have an UPS, you will not need a separate stabilizer. But it is not vice versa.